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"Awake Love" Colorful Roses Bouquet


Picked fresh to offer your special recipient a bouquet that brings brilliant color to any of life's special occasions, our "Awake Love" 11 Colorful Roses Bouquet will delight your special person with each fragrant bloom. Mixed red, hotpink and yellow local roses sit cozily in an assortment of lush greens. A charming handle wrap with a green stripe makes this bouquet even more sophisticated. Celebrate your love and heartfelt emotions with a display of the most amazing roses You may also order a classical glass vase to complete the bouquet.

Sale price$54.95 USD Regular price$65.95 USD

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"Awake Love" Colorful Roses Bouquet | Ukraine Gift Delivery.
"Awake Love" Colorful Roses Bouquet Sale price$54.95 USD Regular price$65.95 USD

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