Hot Noon Bouquet
This bouquet is the picture of elegance and sophistication. The fragrant flowers and soft hues with a lush green make this flower arrangement truly sensational. Our team of expert florists have carefully combined roses with gerbera daisies, eustoma, and chrysanthemums. Gorgeous fancy wrapping emphasizes the beauty and theme of this bouquet. An excellent gift for any occasions including birthdays, anniversaries, and all other celebrations.
5 Roses
3 Gerbera Daisies
3 Eustoma
3 Chrysanthemums
Delivery Policy
• Flowers may be delivered in bud, semi-bloomed, or fully bloomed stages.
• We always contact recipients in advance to schedule a convenient delivery time and confirm the address. The sender’s identity or the nature of the order is not disclosed.
• Perfumes and jewelry are shipped from our warehouse in Ukraine and typically arrive within 72 hours with Standard delivery.
• Delivery methods are determined by the product’s availability and the destination.
• Perishable items such as flowers, bouquets, and gift baskets are delivered only once. Once delivery is scheduled, it cannot be redirected to another address.
• Occasionally, substitutions for flowers and gifts may occur due to temporary availability issues.
• Delivery photos and videos are dependent on availability and require the recipient’s consent.
• Standard delivery (72 hours or more) is available throughout Ukraine, starting at $15. Flowers and gift baskets can be delivered via express delivery (within 24 hours) for an additional fee. Extra charges apply for heavy items and complex deliveries.
• Delivering flowers to remote villages may require additional transportation from a regional center, which may incur higher costs. We will confirm the possibility of delivery and provide a custom quote for each remote location. The cost of delivery to remote areas adds $1 per kilometer from the nearest major city, in addition to the standard delivery fee.
• Additional shipping surcharges for bulky or heavy items are as follows:
• 0-4.99 pounds: FREE
• 5-9.99 pounds: $5
• 10-19.99 pounds: $10
• 20-50 pounds: $15
Cancellation and return policies
Order Cancellation Policy:
• Orders can be canceled prior to delivery. A refund will be issued as store credit. Please note that the delivery fee is non-refundable, and a minimum cancellation fee of $15 will apply.
• We reserve the right to cancel any order if the payment is flagged as suspicious or if the customer fails to comply with our policies.
Return and Exchange Policy:
• Non-perishable items can be returned or exchanged if they are in new, unused, and resealable condition.
• A 20% restocking fee will apply for the return of non-perishable items. The remaining balance, after the restocking fee, will be refunded as store credit according to our policy.
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